Woo - i have arrived and am safely in my hotel room in Saint Malo - more on that in a mere moment.
The trip over was pretty non-eventful. early doors brekko at the hotel in Poole, cycle down to the port in the sun, get on the boat. They made me book a space for my bike on the boat but, unlike the train, where they have special floor racks for bikes, the boat is a bit of a free for all. They just sort of piled all the bikes up against a fork lift truck and that was it. There were loads of them as well and all unchained - a brick lane shop man's dream!!!!
Stop over in Gurnsey was welcome for a bit of a stretch and break from LOTS of crying children. I was behind a French family who had been on a camping trip and whilst I think my panniers are heavy, their luggage and means of carrying said luggage put me to shame - Surreptitious photo below gives an idea but I didn't want them to think I was a stalker.
They basically had a trailer attached to each of their bikes, four in total. And whilst waiting to board, they opened one of them and it contained just a load of cooled ham and cheese. I WANT A BIKE TRAILER FULL OF HAM AND CHEESE!!
Another ferry ride and that was it - in France!!! It felt pretty amazing to wheel off the boat and get onto the road - a bit similar to riding in London but it's hot and it's France!!!!
Did have one minor incident (yes, already)...... After handling the whole "right side of the road" business around two roundabouts, I was getting into the swing of things. Cruised to the front of a queue at a red light to make a right hand turn, sunglasses on, face that said "yeah, I'm sooooo French already" and made what I like to call a UK right hand turn, as in into the left hand lane. Which I quickly realised, due to the cars coming towards me and the funny looks was not the right lane, in both senses of the word. hmmmmmm....
Managed to pull over and hop off and make as if I meant to do it and wanted to check out the view. I don't think it worked.... After sheepishly getting back in the saddle, arrived at the lovely alpha ocean - looks right out over the beach as you can see from the picture above.
And by far my favorite feature of the hotel so far.... the red leather bed spread and cutrains. Don't think I've ever been in a hotel where there are leather curtains - what does this mean??? Is it a code for some sort of secret orgy-esque hotel thing???
I will report back tomorrow if anything comes of it.Now off to check out old town Saint Malo.
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