Tuesday, 7 August 2012

Panniers have revolutionised my life

This weekend was my last weekend before I head off on my solo bike tour around Brittany.

I say "tour" - what I actually mean is relatively easy scenic bike around some of Brittany, averaging no more than 30 miles per day.

However it's my first attempt at a cycle ride that spans more than a day so I'm still allowed to get excited. And go shopping for bike bits.

This is a new experience for me also - normally I am rummaging through cut price second hand designer dresses or shoes. On Saturday I bought panniers and a rack.

The rack is amazing - it looks as if it's made of lead but is as light as a feather. After I had purchased it I made my friends in the pub and then some more friends who I saw in the evening pick it up and marvel at its lack of mass.

I managed to find the right alum keys to fit it all on my own, which, given my inability to do anything particularly bike maintenance-esque, I was quite chuffed with. The panniers are also amazing - I do tend to overuse the word amazing, a habit picked up from my friend Noel - I didn't realise that the price was for a pair, thus sort of saving myself 50% and now I don't have to ride with a rucksack. Which has revolutionised my cycling. Well it revolutionised this morning's commute to work, I just felt lighter, even though there was a laptop in one and a D-lock in the other. Hopefully this revolutionary feeling will last for the whole of the week long trip.

I wish I had gone for something that looked like the picture above - bright, cute and fruity. Alas, sensibleness prevailed and I opted for plain, but importantly waterproof, black that look a bit like this:

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